Giving people with disability the
freedom to travel independently

Living Skills Training is a specialist service based in Sydney that teaches children, teenagers and adults with disability how to use public transport safely and independently.
Our expertise is in teaching the use of public transport to people of all ages with all types of abilities. We specialise in assisting people with intellectual disability, autism, anxiety, learning delays, mental health issues, cerebral palsy and mobility issues. One thing most trainees have in common when they start is high anxiety and a lack of confidence.
We can help you get the knowledge, skills and confidence you need to travel on your own. It doesn’t matter whether you are a new user of public transport or would like to learn a new route - travel training is of value to people of all ages. The benefits can last a lifetime.
We have been providing travel training since 2011, with a high success rate for our trainees. We work together with parents, family members and service providers to help individuals reach their goals around independence.

"This has been wonderful for Robert*! Thank you for giving him this opportunity to live an independent life." - Special Education Teacher of a high school student with multiple disabilities
"Letting you know Tom* is doing well with going to and coming from school. We can now completely stop the Assisted Transport. Thanks a lot for helping train him. I am very grateful." - Mum of a teenager with autism
*Names have been changed
“Lauren* speaks so highly of you and I understand why. She is going well with her travels. She just finished school so we will be needing you to get around even more.” – Mum of a girl with developmental delay
"Thank you for your dedication and commitment. Calvin* is ok to travel on his own now. That is so heartening to hear. I no longer need to drive him to and from work.” - Mum of a young man with autism working at a supermarket